Bodies, Buckets and Transcendence | 2022
Performance as research, making as thinking. 

Concept Development & Ideation, Collaborator, Creative Direction, Designer, Performer

Photographed by The Sisters Elefterin

At the crack of dawn, with a bucket in hand, I began to walk in search of water and in search for myself. Once I found water and the bucket was full I became intimately aware of the physicality of my pilgrimage; the weight of the water, the edges of the bucket, and my body as it held the heaviness. Through this project, I explore the codependent relationship between body and tool, melding one into the other.


Where does the water in my tap come from?    
Can I wander towards the source of life,

                                                                                Will it call for me?

I will go on a Pilgrimage 

In my place of home, across the ocean, men and women embark on a pilgrimage to the holy rivers of India. Here, the water body is thought of as a site for birth, death and eventually rebirth. As I try to cleanse my spirit, I also search for water, and in the process hope to find myself.

From across the pond

Can I find my way back home?


Casting the bucket 

Casting my Body 

mapping where my body meets the bucket

Placing the body through the bucket 



To Allan Wexler,
Thank you for your poetry, it allowed me to tell my own story. 

[ Research under the Guidance of Allan Wexler, Designer + Architect ]
